RV & Motorhome Insurance

RV & Motorhome

RV & Motorhome Insurance​

Protect your motorhome, travel trailer, camper, or even your horse trailer.

When shopping for recreational vehicle (RV) insurance, it’s essential to consider a range of factors to ensure you get the right coverage for your needs. At Paul Branham Agency, we specialize in providing comprehensive RV insurance that covers both your vehicle and your lifestyle.

Request a free online quote or call us at 1-812-327-0690 to get started

Here's what to consider

Usage Coverage

Our policies can insure RVs for personal, recreational use for up to 250 days per year. This is ideal for those extended vacations or winter getaways.

Liability Coverage

This includes bodily injury and property damage coverage, medical payments, uninsured coverage, and more, though coverage specifics can vary by state.

Comprehensive and Collision Coverage Options:

  • Stated Value: Reflects the market or actual cash value of the RV.
  • Agreed Value: Covers the insured amount regardless of current market value.
  • Replacement Cost: In case of a total loss, we replace your RV with a new one of similar kind.


Vacation Liability Coverage

This becomes relevant when your RV serves as a temporary residence. It may also extend to cover physical damage in places like Mexico.

Personal Effect Coverage

Offers replacement costs for items associated with your RV, applicable when physical damage coverage is selected.

Roadside Assistance

Our policies include 24/7 coverage in case of a breakdown or accident, with options to upgrade for additional lodging, transportation, and meal coverage if needed.

24/7 Customer Assistance

We provide round-the-clock support to answer your insurance queries. In case of a loss, we work with skilled claims teams dedicated to getting your RV repaired and back on the road promptly.

Additional Coverage Options

These can include accident forgiveness, pet coverage, diminishing deductibles, and more.

Discount Opportunities

Ask us about qualifying for discounts like safe driver, original owner, package discounts, and more.

Multi-Policy Savings

Insuring multiple items, including homes, cars, motorcycles, classic cars, and boats with a single company can save money and simplify your insurance management.

At Paul Branham Agency, we are dedicated to finding you the best RV insurance to meet your unique needs. Contact us today to explore your options and secure a policy that lets you travel with peace of mind.”

Financing a Car?

When financing a car, it’s typically required to have insurance that covers damage to your vehicle. This is crucial not just for legal compliance but also for protecting your investment. The types of coverage you’ll need include:

Collision Insurance: This insurance is essential for covering damage to your vehicle in the event of an accident. Standard collision insurance pays for repairs up to your car’s fair market value. Remember, this type of coverage comes with a deductible – the amount you pay out-of-pocket before your insurance policy takes over. Opting for a higher deductible can lower the cost of your collision insurance premium.

Comprehensive Insurance (Other Than Collision): Comprehensive coverage is critical for protecting your vehicle against non-collision incidents. This includes scenarios like theft, vandalism, natural disasters (such as floods or hurricanes), and even windshield damage or fire. Similar to collision insurance, comprehensive coverage pays up to the fair market value of your vehicle, minus your deductible. While not legally mandated, comprehensive insurance is often required by lenders when you finance a car to ensure the vehicle is fully protected under various circumstances.

Both collision and comprehensive insurance are integral components of a full coverage policy, especially when financing a vehicle. At Paul Branham Agency, we specialize in helping you understand and choose the right coverage for your financed car, ensuring that you are compliant with legal requirements and financial lender policies.